Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School is about to begin!

Dear OLL school families,
Late summer greetings! I am thinking of all of you and hoping that this summer has had some great highlights for your family!
Soon it will be back to school and back to exploring new ideas and concepts for our jr. high students.

Parents, please know that I am always available and happy to answer questions and address your concerns for your student/child. Your student will be provided with my home phone number as well as my e-mail address. You can always leave a message in the school office (with Sara) for me to call you back as well.

We will be holding an open house for all families to come and visit the jr. high, including a short meeting where you can listen to all three junior high teachers speak about the school year ahead. We will discuss expectations to promote student success, as well as opportunities that we will be providing for academic, physical and spiritual growth this year. Our first school newslette! r will provide the date and time of the open house. I will also post it here when I know the exact info.

Thank you to all of the parents who have been so supportive of your child's education at OLL. Thank you to our volunteers who have driven on countless fieldtrips, provided resources for us, chaperoned or aided us in some way during fun activities/outings, etc. We could not make our school as special as it is without you.
I am excited and honored to be able to teach at OLL for yet another year. Teaching and learning are, and will always be my favorite "hobbies."(They go hand in hand.) Thank you for choosing Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School.

Blessings to you in your last few weeks of summer!

Mrs. Marita

calculate the area of a quadrilateral

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