Tuesday, August 31, 2010

B.O.D.M.A.S...please tell me u remember?

Okay, I know I should keep this blogging thing consistent but I actually have to pay attention to biostatistics sometimes. Speaking of this class, the other day I waltzed in, late as usual to get my exam results...not bad..not bad at all. Apparently, not everyone did well in the exam, people couldn't compute basic math and hence the tantrum that my instructor was throwing that morning.
So I walk in and take my exam and as i'm perusing thru, he starts...I'm very dissapointed in some of you, I was shocked to see that people couldn't do basic math, this messed up their entire flowcharts and histograms..let's review..

19+22-40/52+rt16-5 is equal to what?

The teacher asks what the process was and since most of the people in my class went to elementary here they have this whole thing about Mary's mother and grandmother doing something..and I'm like what?? I don't know what the hell ure talking about...so everyone in class is shocked wondering how I got ! my ass into college and didn't go through elementary.

So the teacher turns to me and asks just how I did the freaking problem if I didn't know the basic ruless. My response: BODMAS....yaani the one mrs.Gitonga taught me..if you don't know...
  • Brackets
  • Of
  • Division
  • Multiplication
  • Addition
  • Subtraction

The man looks at me and doesn't really understand what the crap I'm talking about. So I get up and head to the board and explain myself while doing the freaking problem. Most of these punks are still lost and so it takes another 20 mins before everyone understands what the hell I'm talking about.

Response: Wow...u learnt that from Africa? or did u read it on the internet. My response...Mary and her grandmother didn't do very well in teaching you math.

that's my piece.

bodmas problems

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